Using 1 slide per page
Robert Tamas –
- you want to add slides to a slider, then on a given page you want to show a given slide from this slider, then you need to know that a slider cannot show up without any slides
- the slide is always part of the slider, and if you publish a slider to a page, all of its published slides will be displayed.
(We have an option to unpublish slides – which makes it not appear on the frontend – and you can even hide them on certain devices)
Slider with multiple slides on different pages
If you want a slider with multiple slides to show different slides on different pages, then the best you can do is:
- disable all control that can be used for navigation: - then add a custom code on the given page, which determines which slide should be the first on the given page:
But this is not so optimal, because there will be a bunch of HTML that is completely unnecessary, which will only slow down your page, because it won’t display them anyway. – So you probably don’t want this, so what I would recommend is for the different pages make a block slider (if you want to show only one slide): and you can publish the different sliders on the different pages.